100 word challenge

After going on about the benefits of short story writing I have decided to commit myself to doing more of it in the hope that it will improve my writing style and be of use for my children’s book. I found that writing a 2000 word story, I was challenged to really think about every word I used and so, with that in mind, I have decided to challenge myself even further by writing short stories of only 100 words! The idea is to try and write a 100 word story everyday (allowing myself weekends off) and to publish them on here however anxious or under confident I feel about them. I expect that they will start off pretty shoddy but the idea is that it will be a learning curve and my writing will get better over time, and so whilst I encourage you to give me as much feedback as possible, please know that I am a very novice and so far insecure writer and therefore my stories will be very far from perfect at this early stage. My very first 100 word story will be coming up presently so do please give it a read.

Keep reading! x

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